Healthcare organizations have a chance like never before to get a big return on their investments in AI-powered solutions from partners they can trust.

Discover what’s possible

Before healthcare organizations can get the most out of their AI investments, clinicians and the general public need to learn more about how AI-assisted healthcare can save lives and money.

With AI, training in healthcare could get a lot better. Accenture says that half of all healthcare organizations are planning to use AI to help people learn.

The cost of health care could go down. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research says that more widespread use of AI could save up to $360 billion a year in healthcare costs (5%–10%) without lowering quality or access.

Clinicians could spend more time directly caring for patients. 40% of the time people spend working in healthcare could be made better by generative AI.

Clinicians and IT teams need to know about the latest developments in AI and how they can be used. This includes switching from accelerated computing that is only powered by CPUs to accelerated computing that is also powered by GPUs. This will make it easier to manage data and get fast, accurate results.

AI technology, like AI software and accelerated infrastructure, should be taught earlier in healthcare training so that clinicians can recommend useful new applications as their careers progress.

Talk to your CDW account manager about your NVIDIA AI options today, or call 800.800.4239.

How is AI making innovation happen faster right now?

AI seems to have a lot of potential in healthcare, but it can be hard to know where to start investing to get the best return.

AI is already making people’s lives better in ways that can be measured. Use these successes to show how AI has the potential to help healthcare organizations cut costs and improve patient outcomes at the same time.

Medical Imaging

Medical Imaging: Imaging tools powered by AI are helping doctors find, measure, and predict the risks of tumors. A global survey done by the European Society of Radiology found that 30% of radiologists say they already use AI in their work.

AI imaging tools can also help train AI solutions with fake images and make reports. This gives more accurate results and gives clinicians and staff more time to work on their most important projects.

Drug Discovery

Researchers can model millions of molecules using AI-powered tools. These tools can find patterns in proteins, predict properties, build 3D structures, and make new proteins.

All of this makes it much faster to test drugs and find new ones. A new survey by Atheneum and Proscia shows that 82% of life sciences organizations using digital pathology have started to use AI because it saves time and money.


As the cost of instruments has gone down, health care organizations have started to focus more on analysis. Analysts are better able to find rare diseases and make personalized treatments by using AI tools and hardware made for AI tasks.

In fact, The New England Journal of Medicine published a record-breaking method, with help from NVIDIA, that sequenced a whole genome in just over seven hours.

Dr. Giovanna Carpi and her team at Purdue University were able to do analyses 27 times faster and for five times less money with NVIDIA GPU processing than with traditional CPU processing.

Find the right tools for the job

The more information you get from a model, the bigger it is. When the outcome of a patient depends on how much data is collected and how quickly and accurately it is analyzed, organizations must have infrastructure that is designed for efficient processing.

NVIDIA is bringing healthcare into the modern era of GPU-powered computing with a set of accelerated computing solutions that are part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise family, which is software for production AI from start to finish.

Using the NVIDIA ClaraTM framework, which is part of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, healthcare organizations have created blueprints for two new proteins, made genomic processing 30 times faster with Parabricks®, and cut data preparation time in one radiology department from eight months to one day by using MONAI-powered imaging solutions.

The NVIDIA BioNeMo generative AI cloud service makes a big difference in how fast structures and functions of proteins and biomolecules can be made. These speeds up the process of making new drug candidates.

Partner with trusted experts

Even if you buy all the right equipment, there’s no guarantee that the data you collect will help the organization.

To help you get the most out of your data, CDW brings together infrastructure from close partners like NVIDIA with experts who know how to use it. CDW implements the software, hardware, and services that are needed to put AI solutions in place that are perfect for your company’s needs.